Daniel R Snyder

Published Short Stories


For almost three hundred years, the Church has maintained order, providing people with a world free from war, but at a cost: religious and political freedom. Now something has changed, something no one could have predicted. Multiple revolutions have begun. Brother David Sams wants to save the government, John the Baptist wants to destroy it, and both Christopher Lambeth and the Father President are trapped in the middle, unsure of which is the better solution. If there is one, will it be the result of technology or a miracle? In just eleven days, the world will find out…

Whether you are an artist, a crafter, an environmentalist, or simply someone who enjoys the handiwork of others, you will enjoy Out of the Barn. Jennean Kabat and Daniel R. Snyder have a passion and a mission: to take broken, rusted, abused, neglected, and unwanted refuse--which would ordinarily end up landfills--and turn it into art. Every work they create has a story behind it, some many stories, and the authors share them here for your pleasure and entertainment. But most importantly, they hope that reading this book will inspire you to join them in turning Junk into Art.